Facebook parent company Meta launched its text-driven social media app, Threads earlier this month, reportedly reaching 100 million downloads within five days. While some thought it could pose a serious threat to Twitter, which was bought for $44 billion last October by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Thread’s numbers have since turned the other way. WRCR market analyst Ken Mahoney of Mahoney Asset Management in Chestnut Ridge says despite Musk’s tendency to be erratic, he’s going to stick with Twitter for the time being…
Mahoney’s son, Connor Mahoney, says the more interesting side show is watching the large companies pilfer strategies and functionality from one another…
And while social media apps are often a necessity for keeping in touch with people, Rockland Congressman Mike Lawler says someday, he’ll be content to avoid all the various platforms…
The Associated Press says some celebrities have made the jump to Threads, including Oprah, singer Shakira and chef Gordon Ramsay, as have some famous brands, such as Taco Bell, Netflix and Spotify. While media companies like the Washington Post have signed up, others, including WRCR, have not. Meanwhile, Twitter has blinked somewhat, changing its brand over the weekend to “X.”