The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Rockland is at 671, and the governor says the peak is still two to three weeks away. For those on the front lines of health and safety, the risk of catching coronavirus is greater than for those hunkered down in their homes. Volunteer firefighters, for example, are taking precautions. Rockland’s Director of Fire and Emergency Services, Chris Kear, says firefighters aren’t hanging out at the firehouse any longer, and while they are responding to fires the same way they always did, they are being more cautious when it comes to dealing with home or business owners…
Ray Florida is the executive director of Rockland Paramedic Services. He says when a 911 call is placed, for the protection of the first responders and so they know how best to treat any victim, callers will be asked a few questions to see if you have coronavirus…
Kear stresses we’d have to rely on mutual aid from surrounding areas in the event large numbers of volunteers were lost due to coronavirus infections.