One Rockland state lawmaker is giving a big “F” to the governor and her budget released earlier this week. Governor Kathy Hochul’s $227 billion spending plan would spend $337 million to reduce and prevent gun violence, provides $30 billion to combat climate change, and another $1 billion to improve hospitals and other health care facilities, among other items. Area Republicans aren’t fans of the Democrat’s proposal. Rockland and Orange County Assemblyman Karl Brabenec says he’s not particularly a fan of her positions on Medicaid and funding for the MTA…
Rockland Assemblyman John McGowan called the budget “bloated,” while Senator Bill Weber was disappointed the budget tries to secure more funds for the MTA, while still failing to offer Rockland and West-of-Hudson commuters a one seat ride into the city. State lawmakers will be debating the budget over the next two months and are expected to pass it on or before April first.