People to People, Rockland’s largest food pantry, is looking to stock up on more food after the U.S. Department of Agriculture last week imposed stricter work requirements for those who benefit from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, also known as SNAP. Diane Serratore runs People to People in Nanuet, and she’s anticipating a surge in the number of Rocklanders who will need help…
This change is expected to save around five-and-a-half billion dollars over five years, but that’s not what concerns Rockland and Westchester state senator David Carlucci…
Estimates suggest 107,000 New Yorkers could be affected by the rules change, which is set to go into effect April next year. Senator Carlucci is hosting a canned food drive to benefit People to People at his New City office through January first. For information on how to help People to People, contact them at 845-623-4900.