A new moms circle support group series began this weekend at Montefiore Nyack Hospital. Patti Guzman is a board-certified lactation consultant with Nyack Hospital, and says healthy moms, babies and families are the focus of the new group, and they’ll be meeting once a month through January…
The monthly meetings are held at The Prenatal Center at Montefiore Nyack Hospital and they run from 11 am to 1 pm. They’re designed for new moms with infants and toddlers up to 24 months. The meetings are free and walk-ins are welcome, but pre-registration is appreciated. Call 845-348-7505 or send an email to ThePrenatalCenter@Montefiorenyack.org.
Here’s a list of future meetings and their topics:
· Oct 19 – “Talk, Sing & Point” led by Nichole Lande, “Wee Can Sign,” founder and ASL educator
· Nov 16 – “Count, Group and Compare” led by Lynnette Marshall, Nyack Schools Basics Coordinator and early childhood educator
· Dec 7 – “Explore Through Movement & Play” led by Jeffrey Friedberg MT-BC, LCAT, lead musician and music therapist
· Jan 11 – “Read & Discuss Stories” led by Melinda Watkins, Children’s Librarian at Valley Cottage Library