Hundreds came out for the grand opening of the shared-use path on the new Tappan Zee Bridge yesterday. The path is on the northern-most side of the bridge and spans 3.6 miles between Tarrytown and South Nyack. New York governor Andrew Cuomo opened the path on what would have been the 88th birthday of his father, former governor Mario Cuomo, for whom the bridge is officially named…
Thruway Authority Executive Director Matthew Driscoll expects the path will give a boost to the local economy…
Hudson Link will provide free shuttle service from large commuter parking lots in Rockland and Westchester to stops near the path’s landings in Tarrytown and South Nyack. The 12-foot-wide path is open from 6 am to 10 pm daily, it features 6 overlook rest areas along its 3.6 miler span, and is served by several food trucks.